miro chan is exploring...
tips ujian jalan raya untuk kereta
humans are fragile.
jangan la anggap kite mude lagi, tapi boleh hidup lame lagi.
tgk org accident tu.innalillah...sekelip mate je nyawa kene tarik..
this evening i'm going to sg besar to buy things for my sister's mini pelamin.for her engagement day nx week.so hopefully banyak bunge best2 la nnt kat kedai bunge tu.n also pergi buat ic baru.changing adress sg besar dr puncak alam.rm10 je i guess.plus my ic da tekopek2 da tepi2 de.haih...my mom advise me to change my atttitude,sbb langsung tak bejimat cermat.tapi this is important.tepakse la buat.tapi paw la duit mama juge.hehe..mama said, the key is very simple.when u have money,u spend sambil thinking when u don't have money.ngah pulak cakap,bile keje every month mesti simpan rm500 tak kire ape juge keadaan.baru ade saving..kan.insyaallah..seriously ak rase nak keje cepat hu.kumpul duit.ade duit sendiri memang best.
more update after this.update kat sini je la.sebab sini xberape ramai bace ape activity ak.
kalau kt fb tak suke,sbb nnt update 1,semue dok comment2 banyak2.haih...maklum la,skrg ni byk stalker....
cakap kat kaknah,siti tak suke la org tu.dye bla..bla..bla...hehee..gosip adik beradik.ak ni mmg teruk sikit,asyik je tak suke org tu..tak suke org ni...
ok dah.sambung bile2 free.
rindu kat sai.hehe.bile la mau jumpe lagi?
jangan la anggap kite mude lagi, tapi boleh hidup lame lagi.
tgk org accident tu.innalillah...sekelip mate je nyawa kene tarik..
this evening i'm going to sg besar to buy things for my sister's mini pelamin.for her engagement day nx week.so hopefully banyak bunge best2 la nnt kat kedai bunge tu.n also pergi buat ic baru.changing adress sg besar dr puncak alam.rm10 je i guess.plus my ic da tekopek2 da tepi2 de.haih...my mom advise me to change my atttitude,sbb langsung tak bejimat cermat.tapi this is important.tepakse la buat.tapi paw la duit mama juge.hehe..mama said, the key is very simple.when u have money,u spend sambil thinking when u don't have money.ngah pulak cakap,bile keje every month mesti simpan rm500 tak kire ape juge keadaan.baru ade saving..kan.insyaallah..seriously ak rase nak keje cepat hu.kumpul duit.ade duit sendiri memang best.
more update after this.update kat sini je la.sebab sini xberape ramai bace ape activity ak.
kalau kt fb tak suke,sbb nnt update 1,semue dok comment2 banyak2.haih...maklum la,skrg ni byk stalker....
cakap kat kaknah,siti tak suke la org tu.dye bla..bla..bla...hehee..gosip adik beradik.ak ni mmg teruk sikit,asyik je tak suke org tu..tak suke org ni...
ok dah.sambung bile2 free.
rindu kat sai.hehe.bile la mau jumpe lagi?
terima kasih
diari islam 1431-1432H 2010
history of islam, hadiths, doa, advices, motivation...not just a diary.
let me share with u some of its contents.....
"kalau kita cuba hitung nikmat Allah, nescaya tidak akan terhitung banyaknya"
(Ibrahim 14:34)
Kadang2 manusia sedih dengan beban hidup yang terlalu banyak. Mengapa harus bersedih? Bukankah hidup ini penuh dengan perjuangan mengatasi masalah? Hidup bermakna kita berdepan dengan masalah. Orang yang tidak mahu berdepan dengan masalah tidak layak hidup di dunia ini..
'teringat quote from my friend : selagi kau hidup, kau akan di duga'
Masalah yang kita lalui mematangkan jiwa, akal, perbadi.
remember, experience is the best teacher...
terima kasih aunty, for the book.
i like it a lot...
*terus balut lepas dapat n,n'
"Sesungguhnya Allah s.w.t mempunyai 99 nama, iaitu seratus kurang satu, barangsiapa menghitungnya (menghafal seluruhnya) masuklah ia kedalam syurga" - Riwayat Bukhari
- Ar Rahman الرحمن Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Pemurah
- Ar Rahiim الرحيم Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Penyayang
- Al Malik الملك Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Merajai/Memerintah
- Al Quddus القدوس Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Suci
- As Salaam السلام Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Memberi Kesejahteraan
- Al Mu`min المؤمن Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Memberi Keamanan
- Al Muhaimin المهيمن Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Pemelihara
- Al `Aziiz العزيز Yang Memiliki Mutlak Kegagahan
- Al Jabbar الجبار Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Perkasa
- Al Mutakabbir المتكبر Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Megah, Yang Memiliki Kebesaran
- Al Khaliq الخالق Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Pencipta
- Al Baari` البارئ Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Yang Melepaskan (Membuat, Membentuk, Menyeimbangkan)
- Al Mushawwir المصور Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Yang Membentuk Rupa (makhluknya)
- Al Ghaffaar الغفار Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Pengampun
- Al Qahhaar القهار Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Memaksa
- Al Wahhaab الوهاب Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Pemberi Karunia
- Ar Razzaaq الرزاق Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Pemberi Rejeki
- Al Fattaah الفتاح Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Pembuka Rahmat
- Al `Aliim العليم Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Mengetahui (Memiliki Ilmu)
- Al Qaabidh القابض Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Yang Menyempitkan (makhluknya)
- Al Baasith الباسط Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Yang Melapangkan (makhluknya)
- Al Khaafidh الخافض Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Yang Merendahkan (makhluknya)
- Ar Raafi` الرافع Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Yang Meninggikan (makhluknya)
- Al Mu`izz المعز Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Yang Memuliakan (makhluknya)
- Al Mudzil المذل Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Yang Menghinakan (makhluknya)
- Al Samii` السميع Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Mendengar
- Al Bashiir البصير Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Melihat
- Al Hakam الحكم Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Menetapkan
- Al `Adl العدل Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Adil
- Al Lathiif اللطيف Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Lembut
- Al Khabiir الخبير Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Mengetahui Rahasia
- Al Haliim الحليم Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Penyantun
- Al `Azhiim العظيم Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Agung
- Al Ghafuur الغفور Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Pengampun
- As Syakuur الشكور Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Pembalas Budi (Menghargai)
- Al `Aliy العلى Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Tinggi
- Al Kabiir الكبير Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Besar
- Al Hafizh الحفيظ Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Menjaga
- Al Muqiit المقيت Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Pemberi Kecukupan
- Al Hasiib الحسيب Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Membuat Perhitungan
- Al Jaliil الجليل Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Mulia
- Al Kariim الكريم Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Pemurah
- Ar Raqiib الرقيب Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Mengawasi
- Al Mujiib المجيب Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Mengabulkan
- Al Waasi` الواسع Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Luas
- Al Hakiim الحكيم Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maka Bijaksana
- Al Waduud الودود Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Pencinta
- Al Majiid المجيد Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Mulia
- Al Baa`its الباعث Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Membangkitkan
- As Syahiid الشهيد Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Menyaksikan
- Al Haqq الحق Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Benar
- Al Wakiil الوكيل Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Memelihara
- Al Qawiyyu القوى Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Kuat
- Al Matiin المتين Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Kokoh
- Al Waliyy الولى Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Melindungi
- Al Hamiid الحميد Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Terpuji
- Al Mushii المحصى Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Mengkalkulasi
- Al Mubdi` المبدئ Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Memulai
- Al Mu`iid المعيد Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Mengembalikan Kehidupan
- Al Muhyii المحيى Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Menghidupkan
- Al Mumiitu المميت Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Mematikan
- Al Hayyu الحي Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Hidup
- Al Qayyuum القيوم Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Mandiri
- Al Waajid الواجد Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Penemu
- Al Maajid الماجد Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Mulia
- Al Wahiid الواحد Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Tunggal
- Al `Ahad الاحد Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Esa
- As Shamad الصمد Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Dibutuhkan, Tempat Meminta
- Al Qaadir القادر Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Menentukan, Maha Menyeimbangkan
- Al Muqtadir المقتدر Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Berkuasa
- Al Muqaddim المقدم Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Mendahulukan
- Al Mu`akkhir المؤخر Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Mengakhirkan
- Al Awwal الأول Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Awal
- Al Aakhir الأخر Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Akhir
- Az Zhaahir الظاهر Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Nyata
- Al Baathin الباطن Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Ghaib
- Al Waali الوالي Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Memerintah
- Al Muta`aalii المتعالي Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Tinggi
- Al Barri البر Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Penderma
- At Tawwaab التواب Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Penerima Tobat
- Al Muntaqim المنتقم Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Penyiksa
- Al Afuww العفو Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Pemaaf
- Ar Ra`uuf الرؤوف Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Pengasih
- Malikul Mulk مالك الملك Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Penguasa Kerajaan (Semesta)
- Dzul Jalaali Wal Ikraam ذو الجلال و الإكرام Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Pemilik Kebesaran dan Kemuliaan
- Al Muqsith المقسط Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Adil
- Al Jamii` الجامع Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Mengumpulkan
- Al Ghaniyy الغنى Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Berkecukupan
- Al Mughnii المغنى Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Memberi Kekayaan
- Al Maani المانع Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Mencegah
- Ad Dhaar الضار Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Memberi Derita
- An Nafii` النافع Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Memberi Manfaat
- An Nuur النور Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Bercahaya (Menerangi, Memberi Cahaya)
- Al Haadii الهادئ Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Pemberi Petunjuk
- Al Baadii البديع Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Pencipta
- Al Baaqii الباقي Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Kekal
- Al Waarits الوارث Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Pewaris
- Ar Rasyiid الرشيد Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Pandai
- As Shabuur الصبور Yang Memiliki Mutlak sifat Maha Sabar
sama2 kita amalkan insyaallah...
31 Ways To Make a Girl Smile :)
1. Tell her she is BEAUTIFUL
2. Hold her hand at any moment even if its just for a second.
4. Leave her voice messages to wake up to.
5. Wrestle with her
6. don’t go hang out with you ex when shes not with you, you might not relize how badly it hurts her.
7. If youre talking to another girl, when you’re done talking, walk over and hug her and kiss her….let her know she’s yours and they aren’t.
8. Write her notes or call her just to say “hi”
9. Introduce her to your friends . . . as your girlfriend.
10. Play with her hair.
11. Pick her up (she loves it)
12. Get upset if another guy touches her and she doesn’t like it
13. Make her laugh
14. Let her fall asleep in your arms.
15. If she’s mad at you, kiss her.
16. If you care about her, then TELL HER(don’t be afraid to)
17. Every guy should give their girl 3 things: a stuffed animal(she’ll hug it every time she goes to sleep),
jewelry (she’ll treasure it forever), and one of his t-shirts (she’ll most likely wear it to bed) or sweatshirts sprayed with
his cologne!! and flowers or something occasionally.
18. Treat her the same around your friends as you do when you’re alone.
19. Look her in the eyes and smile.
20. Hang out with her on weekends
21.Kiss her in the rain (girls love this)
22.Kiss her just for the hell of it
23. If your listening to music, let her listen too. =)
24. Remember her birthday and get her something,even if its simple and inexpensive, it came from YOU. it means ALL the world to her.
25. when she gives you a present on your birthday, Christmas, or just whenever, take it and tell her you love it, even if you don’t (it’ll make her happy.)
26. Always call her when you say you will, it may not seem like it, but it does hurt her and makes her think you don’t care so call even if you can only talk for a minute. Girls don’t necessarily have to have hour long conversations every night but its nice for us to hear your voice even for a quick hello.
27. Give her wat she wants
28. Recognize the small things . . . they usually mean the
29.DONT hug her friends or your friends that are
girls cause she’ll feel left out.
30.hang out with her whenever you are free and u should be free to hang wit your girl friend all the time
31.If u care about her…SHOW her!(totally)
2. Hold her hand at any moment even if its just for a second.
4. Leave her voice messages to wake up to.
5. Wrestle with her

6. don’t go hang out with you ex when shes not with you, you might not relize how badly it hurts her.
7. If youre talking to another girl, when you’re done talking, walk over and hug her and kiss her….let her know she’s yours and they aren’t.
8. Write her notes or call her just to say “hi”
9. Introduce her to your friends . . . as your girlfriend.
10. Play with her hair.
11. Pick her up (she loves it)
12. Get upset if another guy touches her and she doesn’t like it
13. Make her laugh
14. Let her fall asleep in your arms.
15. If she’s mad at you, kiss her.
16. If you care about her, then TELL HER(don’t be afraid to)
17. Every guy should give their girl 3 things: a stuffed animal(she’ll hug it every time she goes to sleep),
jewelry (she’ll treasure it forever), and one of his t-shirts (she’ll most likely wear it to bed) or sweatshirts sprayed with
his cologne!! and flowers or something occasionally.
18. Treat her the same around your friends as you do when you’re alone.
19. Look her in the eyes and smile.
20. Hang out with her on weekends
21.Kiss her in the rain (girls love this)
22.Kiss her just for the hell of it
23. If your listening to music, let her listen too. =)
24. Remember her birthday and get her something,even if its simple and inexpensive, it came from YOU. it means ALL the world to her.
25. when she gives you a present on your birthday, Christmas, or just whenever, take it and tell her you love it, even if you don’t (it’ll make her happy.)
26. Always call her when you say you will, it may not seem like it, but it does hurt her and makes her think you don’t care so call even if you can only talk for a minute. Girls don’t necessarily have to have hour long conversations every night but its nice for us to hear your voice even for a quick hello.
27. Give her wat she wants
28. Recognize the small things . . . they usually mean the
29.DONT hug her friends or your friends that are
girls cause she’ll feel left out.
30.hang out with her whenever you are free and u should be free to hang wit your girl friend all the time
31.If u care about her…SHOW her!(totally)
101 reasons why i love u . .
- I love the way we finish each other’s sentences
- I love the way I know you’ll never give up on me.
- I love the fact that I wouldn’t ever give up on you.
- I love the way you look at me.
- I love how beautiful your eyes are.
- I love the way I can’t imagine a day without you in my life.
- I love the way if we were ever separated I wouldn’t know how to go on.
- I love the way we cuddle and watch sunsets together.
- I love the way we sometimes stay up all night and just talk, then watch the sunrise together.
- I love how I know you’ll always be there when I need you to be.
- I love the fact that I will always be there for you too.
- I love how when I dream of my life partner, the only person that I can see is you.
- I love how complete I feel when I am with you.
- I love how our bodies just fit together.
- I love the way you make me laugh.
- I love the way you laugh.
- I love the way you won’t compromise yourself when we are together.
- I love the way you won’t let me compromise myself.
- I love your thoughtfulness.
- I love your tenderness.
- I love your ability to speak without saying a single word.
- I love the way we glance at each other across the room and know what each other is thinking.
- I love the way, how even though we may be miles apart I still feel like you’re right here with me.
- I love the way you surprise me with the perfect gifts that show you pay attention to me.
- I love the way you’ll watch a sporting game with me even though you may not be interested in it.
- I love the way you treat my friends.
- I love your love for the things that interest me.
- I love the way you let me live my life freely without jealousy.
- I love how you demand respect but are not controlling.
- I love how I would do anything in this world to make you happy.
- I love how you would do anything in this world to make me happy.
- I love the way your voice sounds over the phone.
- I love the way your voice sounds when you whisper sweet nothings in my ear.
- I love the completeness and oneness I feel when we make love.
- I love your sensuality.
- I love how our romance feels like the perfect romance movie.
- I love how you are my soul mate.
- I love the way you handle troubled times.
- I love the way you respect me.
- I love the way you protect and defend me.
- I love how you feel when we cuddle.
- I love the softness of your lips against mine.
- I love the softness of you lips against my body.
- I love the feeling of your hair brushing against me when we make love.
- I love laying in bed at night talking about nothing.
- I love waking up to find we’ve been cuddling together all night.
- I love the surprises you leave for me.
- I love your intelligence.
- I love your ingenuity.
- I love your ability to make friends where ever we go.
- I love your love for life.
- I love your passion for your hobbies and interests.
- I love how every time I look at you, you take my breath away.
- I love how I thank God everyday for bringing someone as wonderful as you into my life.
- I love the fact you gave me the gift of our children.
- I love the special moments that we shared that will remain my fondest memories of you and I.
- I love spending the holidays with the one person I love the most.
- I love how my heart skips a beat whenever you walk into the room.
- I love how you love me.
- I love how I love you.
- I love the ways you choose to show your affection for me.
- I love the way you inspire me to be more than I am.
- I love the way you spark my creativity and imagination.
- I love the way you make me feel like anything is possible as long as I’m with you.
- I love your sense of humor.
- I love the way you make me feel like royalty.
- I love the way you dress.
- I love your understated elegance.
- I love you just the way you are.
- I love your spontaneity.
- I love our life together.
- I love how if I died right now I would be the happiest person alive knowing I found my one true love.
- I love the fact that we will grow old together.
- I love your way with words.
- I love the way you look when your sleeping.
- I love the way you think you look awful when you first wake up when it is actually then I find you the most beautiful.
- I love your willingness to share everything and most especially your heart with me.
- I love your strength of character.
- I love taking showers together.
- I love the way you leave me love notes to find whenever you’re gone.
- I love the way you treat me.
- I love the way you take care of us.
- I love your cooking.
- I love the way you take the time to thank me for doing every day things.
- I love the way you show your affection when we are around friends and/or family.
- I love the way you are not scared to show your affection when we are in public.
- I love your confidence.
- I love your ability to make me feel better when times are tough.
- I love the way we make up after a fight.
- I love how you treat our children.
- I love the way you support me when I’m off track.
- I love the way you take the time to show me how much you love me.
- I love your beautiful hair.
- I love your ody.
- I love your openness to try new things.
- I love your ability to talk things through.
- I love your courage to be you.
- I love your greatness.
- I love the fact that you want to be with me and only me.
- I love how I am and feel when I am with you!
- I love you for you!
doa seorang kekasih ♥
Oh Tuhan, seandainya telah Kau catatkan
Dia milikku, tercipta untuk diriku
Satukanlah hatinya dengan hatiku
Titipkanlah kebahagiaan
Ya Allah, ku mohon
Apa yang telah Kau takdirkan
Ku harap dia adalah yang terbaik buatku
Kerana Engkau tahu segala isi hatiku
Pelihara daku dari kemurkaanMu
Ya Tuhanku, yang Maha Pemurah
Beri kekuatan jua harapan
Membina diri yang lesu tak bermaya
Semaikan setulus kasih di jiwa
Ku pasrah kepadaMu
Kurniakanlah aku
Pasangan yang beriman
Bisa menemani aku
Supaya ku dan dia
Dapat melayar bahtera
Ke muara cinta yang Engkau redhai
Ya Tuhanku, yang Maha Pengasih
Engkau sahaja pemeliharaku
Dengarkan rintihan hambaMu ini
Jangan Engkau biarkan ku sendiri
Agarku bisa bahagia
Walau tanpa bersamanya
Gantikanlah yang hilang
Tumbuhkan yang telah patah
Ku inginkan bahagia
Di dunia dan akhirat
PadaMu Tuhan ku mohon segala
Dia milikku, tercipta untuk diriku
Satukanlah hatinya dengan hatiku
Titipkanlah kebahagiaan
Ya Allah, ku mohon
Apa yang telah Kau takdirkan
Ku harap dia adalah yang terbaik buatku
Kerana Engkau tahu segala isi hatiku
Pelihara daku dari kemurkaanMu
Ya Tuhanku, yang Maha Pemurah
Beri kekuatan jua harapan
Membina diri yang lesu tak bermaya
Semaikan setulus kasih di jiwa
Ku pasrah kepadaMu
Kurniakanlah aku
Pasangan yang beriman
Bisa menemani aku
Supaya ku dan dia
Dapat melayar bahtera
Ke muara cinta yang Engkau redhai
Ya Tuhanku, yang Maha Pengasih
Engkau sahaja pemeliharaku
Dengarkan rintihan hambaMu ini
Jangan Engkau biarkan ku sendiri
Agarku bisa bahagia
Walau tanpa bersamanya
Gantikanlah yang hilang
Tumbuhkan yang telah patah
Ku inginkan bahagia
Di dunia dan akhirat
PadaMu Tuhan ku mohon segala
4th year......♥
Ya Allah…
Seandainya telah engkau catatkan… Dia milikku
tercipta buatku… Satukanlah hatinya dengan hatiku…
kebahagian antara kami…. agar kemesraan itu abadi…
happy anniversary dear ♥ u very much..
be content with that which Allah has given you and you will be the richest of people
If Paradise is our final destination and we ask Allah for Paradise
...then the hardships of this world are less heavy than they may seem, so let the hearts of the afflicted ones find solace.
Appreciate that the choice of what is good for you or not good for you belongs only with Allah:
...and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you. (Qur 'an 2: 216)
done my concept board using photoshop ♥♥
thanks very much atas tunjuk ajar u yeh sayang.
thanks to sai gak. tibe2 call tanye nak rotate kete (caldina) camne.hehee..nasib ko tak tido lg time tu..
now, i need to study for my final paper....constantly.very hard.smart.
tinggalkan blog jap for couple of days...
=) daa
thanks very much atas tunjuk ajar u yeh sayang.
thanks to sai gak. tibe2 call tanye nak rotate kete (caldina) camne.hehee..nasib ko tak tido lg time tu..
now, i need to study for my final paper....constantly.very hard.smart.
tinggalkan blog jap for couple of days...
=) daa
the boyfriend survey
Answer every question fast - put your first answer.
What is his name?
♥ hazri bin zakaria
How old is he?
♥ 22.odw.hehe
♥ 20cm++ higher than me.i guess :)
Hair Color?
♥ black :)
Is he pretty?
♥ very. n sexy too :)
Is he handsome?
♥ yes he is!
Is he funny?
♥ very good at it, yes!
Is he unique?
♥ very unique and special...1 je dalam dunie ni ♥♥
How long have you been going out?
♥ since the first date, three years and eleven months three weeks five days.
Do you love him?
♥ without a doubt.
Who said I love you first?
♥ both :)
Would you stand up for him?
♥ yes of course.
Would you protect him even if he were at fault?
♥ yes.
Do you trust him?
♥ 100% ++
Whats your favorite thing about him?
♥ everything :)
Would you stop doing something for him?
♥ why should i stop.
Is he a jealous person?
♥ very. hehe.
How often do you think of him?
♥ 24 7 365 all the time :)
Have you sang for him?
♥ he sang to me! yes. hehe
Would you let some one or something keep you from seeing him?
♥ never.
♥ yes of course.
Would you protect him even if he were at fault?
♥ yes.
Do you trust him?
♥ 100% ++
Whats your favorite thing about him?
♥ everything :)
Would you stop doing something for him?
♥ why should i stop.
Is he a jealous person?
♥ very. hehe.
How often do you think of him?
♥ 24 7 365 all the time :)
Have you sang for him?
♥ he sang to me! yes. hehe
Would you let some one or something keep you from seeing him?
♥ never.
Does he call you every day?
♥ no.
Does he smoke?
yes :(
Name one thing you would change about him?
♥ ........ (nothing) love the way he is.
Has he changed you?
♥ yes.a lot.
When was the last time you saw him?
♥ last month.
Would you love him no matter what?
♥ born for it :)
What would make you break up with him?
♥ why should i? (:
Has he bitten you?
♥ always. hehe
Does he hate you?
♥ no..................... hehe
Has he ever cheated?
♥ never.
Does he let you touch him?
♥ yes.....♥♥♥
Is he dedicated to you?
♥ yes he is @_____@
Does he let you touch him?
♥ yes.....♥♥♥
Is he dedicated to you?
♥ yes he is @_____@
Is he some one you want to be with for a long time?
♥ forever.yes!
How long have you known him?
♥ almost seven years.
Why did you choose him?
♥ said it before, born for him ^,^
Have u discussed children?
♥ yes. twins ^,^
Have u decided to have pets?
♥ yes. cats. sugargliders. hamsters.
Have u told him u love him?
♥ everyday, yes
Do u mean it?
♥ everytime i did, yes
Are u sure?
♥ no doubt!
Has he met your parents?
♥ my family,yes.
♥ my family,yes.
muhasabah diri
1. Jika berjumpa dengan kanak-kanak, anggaplah kanak-kanak itu lebih mulia daripada kita, kerana kanak-kanak ini belum banyak melakukan dosa daripada kita.
2. Apabila bertemu dengan orang tua, anggaplah dia lebih mulia daripada kita kerana dia sudah lama beribadat.
3. Jika berjumpa dengan orang alim, anggaplah dia lebih mulia daripada kita kerana banyak ilmu yang telah mereka pelajari dan ketahui.
4. Apabila melihat orang jahil, anggaplah mereka lebih mulia daripada kita kerana mereka membuat dosa dalam kejahilan, sedangkan kita membuat dosa dalam keadaan mengetahui..
5. Jika melihat orang jahat, jangan anggap kita lebih mulia kerana mungkin satu hari nanti dia akan insaf dan bertaubat atas kesalahannya.
6. Apabila bertemu dengan orang kafir, katakan didalam hati bahawa mungkin pada suatu hari nanti mereka akan diberi hidayah oleh Allah dan akan memluk Islam, maka segala dosa mereka akan diampuni oleh Allah....
Dan janganlah kamu memalingkan muka kamu dari manusia (karena sombong) dan janganlah kamu berjalan di muka bumi dengan angkuh. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai orang-orang yang sombong lagi membanggakan diri. [Surah Luqman:18]
2. Apabila bertemu dengan orang tua, anggaplah dia lebih mulia daripada kita kerana dia sudah lama beribadat.
3. Jika berjumpa dengan orang alim, anggaplah dia lebih mulia daripada kita kerana banyak ilmu yang telah mereka pelajari dan ketahui.
4. Apabila melihat orang jahil, anggaplah mereka lebih mulia daripada kita kerana mereka membuat dosa dalam kejahilan, sedangkan kita membuat dosa dalam keadaan mengetahui..
5. Jika melihat orang jahat, jangan anggap kita lebih mulia kerana mungkin satu hari nanti dia akan insaf dan bertaubat atas kesalahannya.
6. Apabila bertemu dengan orang kafir, katakan didalam hati bahawa mungkin pada suatu hari nanti mereka akan diberi hidayah oleh Allah dan akan memluk Islam, maka segala dosa mereka akan diampuni oleh Allah....
Dan janganlah kamu memalingkan muka kamu dari manusia (karena sombong) dan janganlah kamu berjalan di muka bumi dengan angkuh. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai orang-orang yang sombong lagi membanggakan diri. [Surah Luqman:18]
10 days --> 4 years.... i'm feeling so superhuman..only reason is u..love
I have been crying and crying for weeks
How'd I survive when I can barely speak
Barely eat
on my knees
But that's the moment you came to me
I don't know what your love has done to me
Think I'm invincible
I see through the me
I used to be
You changed my whole life
Don't know what you're doing
To me with your love
I'm feeling all superhuman you did this to me
A superhuman heart beats in me
Nothing can stop me here with you
since I've been flying and righting the wrongs
Feels almost like had it all along I can see tomorrow
Well every problem is gone because
I flew everywhere with love inside of me
It's unbelievable to see
How love can set me free
You changed my whole life
Don't know what you're doing
To me with your love
I'm feeling all superhuman you did this to me
A superhuman heart beats in me
Nothing can stop me here with you
It's not a bird, not a plane.
It's my heart and its going gone away
My only weakness is you
Only reason is you
Every minute with you
I feel like I can do anything
Going going I'm gone away in love
You changed my whole life
Don't know what you're doing
To me with your love
I'm feeling all superhuman you did this to me
A superhuman heart beats in me
Nothing can stop me here with you
diet fail
nak buat macamane, banyak sangat makanan sedap2 kat Malaysia ni.....
1 Malaysia kan. layan je semue. malay,mamak,molek,selaseh,pak li,nc ayam kfc...bla..bla..bla........
klu ak pg uk br jd kurus kot.heh.
1 Malaysia kan. layan je semue. malay,mamak,molek,selaseh,pak li,nc ayam kfc...bla..bla..bla........
klu ak pg uk br jd kurus kot.heh.
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